We want to make sure our teachers are cultivating the next generation, not worrying about whether they will be able to pay rent from month to month.
Currently, the foundation will provide between $3,000-$12,000 in rent reduction annually per Round Rock ISD employee living at the properties.

Apply for Rental Assistance
Employment Status: Applicants must be actively employed as staff members within one of the partnered school districts, with their employment status meeting the program's minimum requirements, such as full-time or part-time employment.
Pflugerville ISD
Round Rock ISD
Seguin ISD
Fredericksburg ISD
Application Process: Eligible staff members will need to complete the application process with the property, providing necessary documentation and information to verify eligibility.
Compliance with Program Rules: Recipients of the rental assistance are required to maintain their employment status within the district for the term of their lease.
Staff will be required to provide documentation annually to continue to receive the rental assistance.